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}, success: function(data) { $("#payslipdata").html(data); } }) } }) }); $("#payslip_cover").change(function() { dyear = $("#payslip_year option:selected").val(); dcover = $("#payslip_cover option:selected").val(); $.ajax( { url: "https://www.marketingsalesagents.com/lib/requests/payslip_request.php?sec=table", data: "year=" + dyear + "&cover=" + dcover, type: "POST", complete: function(){ $("#loading").hide(); }, success: function(data) { $("#payslipdata").html(data); } }) $.ajax( { url: "https://www.marketingsalesagents.com/lib/requests/payslip_request.php?sec=perioddata", data: "year=" + dyear + "&cover=" + dcover, type: "POST", complete: function(){ $("#loading").hide(); }, success: function(data) { var obj = $.parseJSON(data); $("#payperiod").html(obj.periodcover); $("#payto").html(obj.prto); } }) }); /* USER PAYSLIP */ $("#upayslip_year").change(function() { comp = $("#ups_comp").val(); dyear = $("#upayslip_year option:selected").val(); $.ajax( { url: "https://www.marketingsalesagents.com/lib/requests/upayslip_request.php?sec=periodsel", data: "year=" + dyear + "&comp=" + comp, type: "POST", complete: function(){ $("#loading").hide(); 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}, success: function(data) { $("#othours").html(data); $("#txtothours").val(data); } }) } }); $("#ot_to").change(function() { odate = $("#ot_date").val(); otype = $("#ot_type").val(); ofrom = $("#ot_from").val(); oto = $("#ot_to").val(); if (odate) { $.ajax( { url: "https://www.marketingsalesagents.com/lib/requests/app_request.php?sec=getovhour", data: "odate=" + odate + "&otype=" + otype + "&ofrom=" + ofrom + "&oto=" + oto, type: "POST", complete: function(){ $("#loading").hide(); }, success: function(data) { $("#othours").html(data); $("#txtothours").val(data); } }) } }); // Late Undertime $("#lu_date").change(function() { odate = $("#lu_date").val(); otype = $("#lu_type").val(); ooffset = $("#lu_offdate").val(); $("#offset_loading").html(''); $("#offset_noot").html(''); $("#btnluapply").addClass('invisible'); if (odate) { $.ajax( { url: "https://www.marketingsalesagents.com/lib/requests/app_request.php?sec=luparam", data: "odate=" + odate + "&otype=" + otype + "&offset=" + ooffset, type: "POST", complete: function(){ $("#loading").hide(); 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